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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Horncastle

School Development Plan

Every year the Senior Leadership Team prepares a plan that brings together all the priorities for the coming academic year.

The plan is called the School Development Plan (SDP) and it is put forward to the Local Governing Body, then the Board of Trustees for approval each year.

Our priorities for 2023-24 are:

Aiming for excellence:
  • Curriculum maps reviewed and displayed in all classrooms in the school. Embed explicit referencing of a student's curriculum journey in the teaching of each subject throughout the year.
  • Year 2 of work with primary feeder schools with the aims of: fostering professional relationships, ensuring curriculum coherence between KS2 and 3, and exploring future collaborative work at a faculty level.
  • Review both the quality of cover work left and associated logistical processes when a member of staff has a planned absence.
  • Time and resources are managed efficiently in the classroom to maximise productivity and minimise wasted time (e.g. starts, transitions) by giving clear instructions.
  • Students are provided with tasks that embed and reinforce learning, requiring them to undertake purposeful practice.
  • Students are helped to plan, regulate and monitor their own learning.
  • Whole school teaching and learning audit to be undertaken every half term involving a range of staff from the school.
  • Year 2 of the inquiry process: Faculty/subject based teaching and learning inquiry groups identify focussed questions and lead the development of pedagogical strategies across the school.
  • Implement consistently the new KS3 assessment system in all subject areas, ensuring clear communication with students and parents.
  • Students receive regular recorded feedback, using a planned range of methodologies which are appropriate to the specific task.
  • Performance data is monitored, analysed and evaluated in a consistent manner by all middle leaders, using automatically generated reports to ensure focus is on analysing and evaluating rather than processing data.
  • Implement, monitor and review the new behaviour system across the school, ensuring clear communication with students and parents. Staff are provided with any related CPLD, e.g., use of SIMS, in a timely and accessible manner.
  • Finalise and implement a new rewards system (incorporating achievement, engagement and attendance), ensuring clear communication with students and parents.
  • Teachers receive training and support in relation to behaviour management through a peer to peer coaching model.
  • Ensure the new Trust-wide Family Liaison Officer and Attendance Officer role is dovetailed with existing systems and roles at QEGS.
  • Audit the provision of student voice across year groups and the school year to develop a whole school strategic plan for development
  • Whole school review of IT provision by faculty area and informed by curriculum delivery needs to develop a strategic plan.
  • Working party created to research and explore the opportunities and challenges presented by the rapid development of AI.

Flourish and succeed:
  • A coherent, whole-school mental health and wellbeing strategy is developed and implemented.
  • Time is routinely provided within the non-assembly programme for mentoring between Form Tutors and students, including promotion of engagement with enrichment opportunities.
  • Review of education visits processes and paperwork to increase efficiency and reduce staff workload through trust-wide working party.
  • Year 3 of the school's strategy to identify what further actions need to be taken to ensure that every child feels safe at school, knows how to report issues and feels confident that when reporting they will be believed and their testimony acted upon.
  • Work with the LEP's Teacher Encounters programme to increase 'meaningful encounters with employers' for teachers.
  • Ensure compliance with new careers legislation relating to provider access.
  • Focus group created to research approaches to improving the resilience of students.

Leading the learning:
  • Continue to improve home-school communication by ensuring relevant information is shared in a timely manner.
  • Link governors for all faculty areas, SEND, PP, and wellbeing are in place, with meaningful contact made (virtual meeting or visit to school) once each big term. 

Passionate about people:
  • Implement Year 3 of the school's strategy as well as ensuring that workload is distributed across the academic year.
  • Inculcate our leadership culture at all levels which will be reflected in our ways of working and decision making.
  • Work with the students who have completed the Young Ambassadors programme to develop a range of resources and activities across the school focussing on an anti-racism message.
  • Review the school's Accessibility Plan to ensure that the school buildings allow ease of movement for all members of the school community.

Simply civic:
  • Audit the school's current provision for International Schools Award.
  • Complete phase 1 of the Sports First project.
  • Pilot a community coffee morning for members of the local community to come in to school, see the facilities and showcase students' work.
  • Audit community links and activities across the other schools in the Trust.
  • Work with the student council to explore ways in which we can improve the school site ecosystem.