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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Horncastle

Useful Links

QEGS Resources


Internet safety

The links below take you to advice on how to choose the most appropriate form of parental control software to help protect your child whilst they are online:

Staying Safe on TikTok

The links below take you to advice provided by the LCC Stay Safe team in order to keep children safe when using TikTok:

What is TikTok

TikTok Privacy And Blocking

Look Closer

For younger children:

#Goldilocks Digital Book and activity sheet is a modern twist on the classic fairy tale that offers a fun and accessible way for you to discuss all things social media related with your younger children. Co-branded by Vodafone UK and Andersen Press, award-winning author Jeanne Willis created the light-hearted story alongside illustrator Tony Ross. The book is designed to help educate children about the potential consequences of being unkind, getting carried away with selfies, or oversharing images, as we see Goldilocks getting into trouble with the three bears over her pursuit of likes on social media….

Useful websites for further information: